The Grey Soul of London | map, images and music

Interlude 4: The ‘little housewives of Sadler’s Wells’, 1923.
Leg 6: The theatrical opening ceremony of the New River Head, 1613.
Leg 6: The Oak Room within the old Metropolitan Water Board offices.
Leg 6: Hogarth’s ‘Evening’ showing Sir Hugh Myddelton’s Head, 1738.
Leg 7: A ‘Clerkenwell angel’ inside Finsbury Town Hall.

Leg 8: The Garnault Place Control Centre at Subterranea Britannica.

Leg 13: The Pantheon Tea House, transformed into the Spa Fields Chapel.
Leg 14: Banksy’s cashpoint.
Leg 19: Cold Bath Fields Prison.
Leg 29: The faun’s head, unwisely adopted as a mascot by Minimum Labyrinth, moves unseen from building to building as it pleases.
Leg 30: ‘Riceyman Steps’ leading up to the church of St Philip, Granville Square.
Leg 30: The finely-formed forehead of local historian William John Pinks (1829-60), rising with intellectual promise over his pale and sunken cheeks.

Leg 34: Ian Visits Bevin Court.

Leg 36: George Cruikshank, nimby, 1829.
Leg 37: The Reverend Edward Irving (1792-1834).
Leg 37: Building the Claremont Square reservoir, 1855.
Leg 37: A drained Claremont Square reservoir, 2000.
Leg 43: Henry Hunt MP addresses the crowd from the ‘tribune window’ of the New Merlin’s Cave, 1816.


All music written and performed by Rich Cochrane. Full albums are available on Bandcamp, Spotify and iTunes

(Leg 1) ‘Light Columns and Light Towers’
(Leg 7) ‘Burbo Bank’
(Leg 15) ‘Rasalhague’
(Leg 22) ‘Direction Finding for Aeronautics’
(Legs 26 and 29) ‘Tusikong’
(Leg 30) ‘Morning Raga’
(Leg 37) ‘The Vertical in Architecture and How to Overcome It’
(Leg 44) ‘Geryon’
(Interlude 46) ‘Menkar’

Barrel organ (Leg 18) recorded by ‘RTB45’ on Freesound