Robert Kingham and Rich Cochrane have collaborated on many creative projects since meeting at Cardiff University in the early 1990s, including a production of The Fall of the House of Usher with improvised music, a notorious cabaret band, and a choose-your-own-adventure book that had to be abandoned after becoming inundated with miniature gorillas. Both live in south-east London with their large collections of wives, cats, daughters, lumps of seasoned wood and curious musical instruments.

Rich Cochrane
Rich is a writer, educator and musician. He’s interested in cultural history, mathematics and the aesthetics of music. He has written (different) books about poetry, philosophy, mathematics and computer programming, and taught mathematics, literature, philosophy and journalism. See his private tuition website and listen to some of his music.
Robert Kingham
Robert is interested in the interaction between people and cities, indulging his love of storytelling through writing, film-making and leading many on historical walks. He is a member of Equity. He likes nothing better than to relax by being a chartered management consultancy surveyor.